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The Road to Emmaus (a town 7 miles from Jerusalem) story (Luke 24:13-35) can be found here. On that website, you can change to any version of the Bible or read different versions to help fill out the picture.
*pronounced "EH-MAY-US"
This little church plant that God entrusted to a few people to tend at first-early in 2020-went without a name until 2021. Though we had a slow start and were still meeting off and on as Covid numbers ebbed and flowed around NM, we knew that to get our name out there, not to mention, to become "official" in the eyes of the state and to receive donations, we needed a name!
In the beginning...we had a spreadsheet and our little leadership team, affectionately called "the BOD", had the opportunity to add names to the list. One by one we would discuss the pros and cons of each and cross them off the list. In Eastertide of 2021, we read the post-Resurrection "Road to Emmaus" story. This really sent Noel's imagination going. At a BoD meeting not long after, she mentioned this. They were really quite excited and agreed to pray on it and re-read the story. So we did and then collectively, our hearts burned within us; Emmaus was the name. The story provides for us a framework of values and mission that we think embodies the work we see God doing around us in the community and in greater Albuquerque.
We love that Jesus walked and asked questions about why they were so sad. We think He's still asking questions like that. He's also still wanting to show us His great love for us told in the stories of the Scriptures and revealing where in our stories He's been repeating those patterns. We love that Jesus was both guest and host when staying with the disciples. This shows His great humility and hospitality and His willingness to stay with and walk with us until we see and recognize Him. We see how at Emmaus, they knew Jesus in the breaking of the bread and so too when we Feast. And we look forward to the Banquet Feast of the Lamb in the world to come. We also love to cook, eat and serve together so we figured it made sense that we had a story about eating as our name.